Horowitz ILADS 2014 Babesia Bartonella - Druckversion
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Horowitz ILADS 2014 Babesia Bartonella -
Sunflower - 14.10.2014
Von einer Patientin mitgeteilt:
Zitat:conference ILADS octobre 2014
Dr. Richard Horowitz, MD
“In my Hudson valley in NY, 71% of ticks had 1 co-infection, 30% had 2 or more co-infections, and 5% had 3 or more.”
“There are over 100 species of Babesia. When testing for Babesia, a full Babesia panel must be done. Otherwise, it is easy to test negative for Babesia on tests that are only sensitive for one strain. Symptoms include fever, chills, flushing, air hunger, flares every 4 weeks, mood disturbances. Treatment includes mepron and Azithromycin, possibly made more effective with Bactrium. I also use grapefruit seed, artemesia, neem, cryptolepis.”
“There are over 30 species of Bartonella. Bartonella testing is inadequate. Symptoms include irritability, rage, insomnia, seizures, red papular eruptions, stretch mark like streaks, subcutaneous nodules, a creepy crawly sensation under the sking, gastritis, constipation, nausea/vomiting, burning pain, burning soles in feet, paresthesias, electric like sensations, inflammation in/around the eyes. Treatment includes doxy and rifampin. Or tetracylcine and macrolides. If using quinolones, take 600 mg alpha lipoic acid 2x per day and 500-1000 mg magnesium to protect tendons.”
78% der Patienten von Dr.Berghoff hatten eine positive Bartonella Serologie!
Siehe auch hier S.5:
Mein Spezi sagte mir im August, eine neue Studie wäre zu einem ähnlichen Ergebnis mit chronischen europäischen Lyme Patienten gekommen.Über 70% positive Bart. Serologie!
Merke: die typische roten Hautstreifen einer Bartonellose sind bei einer aktiven Infektion nicht zwingend vorhanden!