Zitat:Dr. Bozsik found – data extracted from his Diagnosis lecture– that:
Spirochetes could be demonstrated in BLOOD by dark-field microscopy during all ACTIVE stages of pathogenesis!
107 of 143 (75%) of the cases with live (moving) spirochetes found in their blood by dark-field microscopy,
were confirmed by real-time PCR to belong to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato:
66 (61.7%) B. burgdorferi sensu stricto
20 (18.7%) B. garinii
6 ( 5.6%) B. afzelii and
15 (14.0%) other Borreliae strains than the usual EUROPEAN strains
Many of these cases were also confirmed by monoclonal antibody stain for Borrelia burgdorferi with anti-ospA and anti-flagellin kindly donated by prof. Barbour USA.
One third (1/3) of these patients with proven LATE Lyme borreliosis were SERONEGATIVE!
Gute Besserung und liebe Grüsse
Lyme-Borreliose seit 2008