Ein kleines Fundstück: Eine medizinische Fachzeitschrift publiziert kreationistische Ideen zu Zecken:
Tabbasam, F. , Malik, M. , Asghar, U. , Pracha, K. and Nazir, T. (2016) Introduction, Sign, Symptoms, Prevention and Management of Lyme Disease Caused by Borrelia burgdorferi Channeled through Ixodes Ticks as Vector. A Review. Advances in Entomology, 4, 249-259. doi: 10.4236/ae.2016.45026.
Der Abstract beginnt mit: "God has created many miraculous creature; ticks are one of them."
Na dann vielen Dank, lieber Gott!
Es scheint sich laut ScholaryOA um eine Junk-Zeitschrift zu handeln: "This publisher specializes in publishing junk cosmology and junk physics ... The publisher is branching out into junk medical science, specifically AIDS denialism."
Tabbasam, F. , Malik, M. , Asghar, U. , Pracha, K. and Nazir, T. (2016) Introduction, Sign, Symptoms, Prevention and Management of Lyme Disease Caused by Borrelia burgdorferi Channeled through Ixodes Ticks as Vector. A Review. Advances in Entomology, 4, 249-259. doi: 10.4236/ae.2016.45026.
Der Abstract beginnt mit: "God has created many miraculous creature; ticks are one of them."
Na dann vielen Dank, lieber Gott!
Es scheint sich laut ScholaryOA um eine Junk-Zeitschrift zu handeln: "This publisher specializes in publishing junk cosmology and junk physics ... The publisher is branching out into junk medical science, specifically AIDS denialism."