16.06.2017, 14:35
Luddi, hast du mittlerweile eine Therapie-Entscheidung getroffen? Falls deine Erreger sensibel auf Fosfomycin sind, könntest du damit eine Therapie in Erwägung ziehen. Normalerweise nimmt man das nur bei HWI der Frau, es hat sich aber gezeigt, dass es auch bei der Prostatitis effektiv sein kann. Damit umgeht man die FC:
Zitat:"We are seeing resistance to quinolones." Dr Karaiskos explained. In fact, "rates are increasing around the world. We don't have many drugs that penetrate the prostate tissue, so we were looking for an alternative regimen that was cheap and easy to give without many side effects."
"Because we haven't used fosfomycin a lot, most pathogens are sensitive to it," he reported.
All patients received oral fosfomycin 3 g once daily during the first week of treatment and then every 48 hours for the subsequent 5 weeks.
"Our cure rate was 85%, based on resolution of clinical symptoms and the resolution of imaging abnormalities," Dr Karaiskos said. And cure was verified at 3 months with cultures and symptoms.
"To our knowledge," he said, this is "the largest series of patients treated successfully with oral fosfomycin once daily for a period of 6 weeks with a cure rate of 85%. The most common side effect was diarrhea, which usually subsided with prolongation of the dosage intervals."
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