(09.04.2015, 12:09)AuchDa schrieb: (09.04.2015, 06:36)Mainz06 schrieb: Welche Symptome sollte den Cannabis mindern?
Die Gefühlstörungen sicher nicht. Die Herzrythmusstörungen erst recht nicht - Cannabis kann diese hervorrufen. Blutdruckschwankungen, Hautprobleme, Entzündungen an Augen Ohr oder Mund? Es gibt kaum ein Symptom wo es hilfreich wäre.
Wer wirklich eine aktive Borreliose hat, kann nicht kiffen
Na ja in 1. Linie Schmerzen wohl, Muskeln, Gelenke, Kopf...
Gruß AuchDa
Ich hab nochmal ein wenig in der Fachliteratur nachgeschaut. Es ist so, dass von den über 60 verschiedenen Cannabinoiden 2 besonders häufig in höheren Konzentrationen vorkommen. Das eine ist CBD (Cannabidiol), das andere das altbekannte THC. Besonders dem CBD, welches nicht psychoatkiv ist, werden eine Reihe von positiven Effekten zugeschrieben. THC soll wohl angeblich auch etwas schmerzlindernd wirken, hat aber auch unerwünschte Effekte...
Zitat:Cannabis is frequently used by patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) for muscle spasm and pain. Small clinical studies have confirmed the usefulness of THC as an analgesic. Currently, the synthetic cannabinoid agonist HU211 is undergoing trials as a protective agent after brain trauma. However, the therapeutic use of cannabinoids can also be accompanied by adverse reactions such as panic or anxiety attacks, which are worse in the elderly and in women, and less likely in children (Croxford 2003; Williamson and Evans, 2000).
Quelle: The endocannabinoid system in the regulation of emotions throughout lifespan: a discussion on therapeutic perspectives
CBD scheint wohl aber besser geeignet um Schmerzen zu behandeln und hat auch weniger psychische Nebenwirkungen. Es ist nämlich angstlösend, antipsychotisch und beeinträchtigt nicht die kognitiven Funktionen... und ist damit anscheinend ohne die problematischen Eigenschaften von THC (Hier gehört auch Herzrasen dazu..).
Zitat:In contrast, the other major cannabinoid that has attracted attention in recent years, cannabidiol (CBD), does not impair cognition,16 and may have anxiolytic and antipsy¬chotic effects.17–20
Quelle: The effect of cannabis use on memory function: an update
Deswegen enthalten medizinische Hanfsorten auch viel CBD. Der Erfolg in der Behandlung von psychiatrischen Problemen wird häufig bestätigt. Für die Behandlung von Schmerzen gibt es übrigens auch die Meinung, dass eine bestimmte Mischung aus THC und CBD günstig sei.. andere sagen ohne THC wäre es besser.
Interessant fand ich auch die neuroprotektiven Eigenschaften, die vielleicht auch bei Borreliose helfen könnten.. Für Interessierte habe ich unten mal ein paar Zitate aus zwei in diesem Jahr erschienenen Review-Artikeln eingefügt. Ist umständlich alles in eigenen Worten nochmal wiederzugeben.
Zitat:Cannabidiol, neuroprotection and neuropsychiatric disorders CBD exhibits a broad spectrum ofpotential therapeutic properties in animal models and humans,including anxiolytic [17,22], antidepressant [23], neuroprotective[17,24–28] anti-inflammatory [29–32], and immunomodulatory[33,34]. Regarding the latter, CBD decreases the productionof inflammatory cytokines, the activation of microglial cells[31,35,36], and brain leucocytes infiltration in experimentalautoimmune encephalitis [35]. Moreover, treatment based on thisphytocannabinoid preserves cerebral circulation during ischemicevents and reduces vascular changes and neuroinflammation in amodel of sepsis-related encephalitis [26,36–38].
CBD also has a better safety profile compared to other cannabi-noids, such as THC. For instance, high doses of CBD (up to1500 mg/day) are well tolerated in animals and humans [40]. Inaddition, it does not change heart rate, blood pressure or bodytemperature, does not induce catalepsy, and does not alter psy- chomotor or psychological functions like THC [40]. This improvedsafety profile is probably reflecting its lack of direct agonist prop-erties at cannabinoid receptors [41].The mechanisms responsible for the wide range of CBD potential neuroprotective effects in neuropsychiatric disorders are not completely understood. New findings obtained in the last decadeindicate that they involve multiple pharmacological targets. In thepresent review, we tried to summarize and discuss the importance of the main targets that have been associated with CBD neuroprotective action (Table 1) and its effects on neuropsychiatric disorders.
....As for other effects of this remarkable phytocannabinoid[17,113], the neuroprotective properties of CBD seem to dependon several cannabinoid-dependent and independent mechanisms(Fig. 2). Despite the mechanisms involved, however, the preclini-cal evidence reviewed here, associated with the already reportedsafety profile of CBD in humans [22,40], clearly indicate that CBDrepresents a new opportunity for the treatment of several braindisorders (such as neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric) whereneuronal loss or damage plays a significant role.
Quelle: Cannabidiol, neuroprotection and neuropsychiatric disorders
Zitat:Cannabinoids are potent inflammatory modulators and in several animal studies, in vivo and in vitro, they have shown to have an immunosuppressive effect. However, human studies are still few. Models of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma and type 1 diabetes evidenced clinical improvement as well as biochemical and/or histological anti-inflammatory changes. Inflammatory bowel disease, neuropathic pain and fibromyalgia were studied in human subjects and improvement of pain, positive effect on sleep and better quality of life were noted. In ulcerative colitis there were less diarrhea symptoms after cannabinoid administration. Certain types of cannabinoids, like cannabidiol, have low affinity to CB1 and CB2. Others, such as certain synthetic cannabinoids, have higher affinity for CB2 receptor. However, they do produce immunomodulatory effect without being psychoactive. Therefore, they have a potential in research, as a possible therapy for autoimmune diseases. Nevertheless, cannabis are known to have many adverse effects, including memory impairment. THC is related to a decrease in gray matter volume and lower IQ levels. It can also trigger some psychiatric disorders. Because of the THC stimulation of dopaminergic pathways involved in drug addiction, it can lead to dependence and drug abuse. Further studies are required. How cannabinoids should be consumed, their optimal doses and which type of cannabinoids would be more effective, with fewer side effects still remain as questions to be answered.
Quelle: Cannabinoids and autoimmune diseases: A systematic review
CBD Öl kann man übrigens legal erwerben. Einfach mal nach googeln...
Den Link von Hausel hatte ich mir übrigens gar nicht wirklich angeguckt.. Sieht ja doch mehr danach aus als hätte jemand ein Allheilmittel für alles gefunden. Also nicht unbedingt Lobbykram,... eher nur Geldmache.
Noch eine Sache.. CBD könnte die Plazentaschranke für Krankheitserreger durchlässiger machen! Es könnte also bei Borreliose den Fötus gefährden.
Quelle: Cannabidiol enhances xenobiotic permeability through the human placental barrier by direct inhibition of breast cancer resistance protein: an ex vivo study
Die immunsuppressive Wirkung könnte auch problematische sein..